Albany Children’s Theatre is a community theatre organisation based in Albany, Western Australia. We are dedicated to creating wonderful opportunities for young people in the performing arts whether that be as performers, artists, backstage workers, arts administrators, audiences, and everything in between.
Our Vision
To see the performing arts as a part of every childs life, offering them the opportunity to develop their skills and understanding of this beautiful artform as a way to enrich their lives.
Our Mission
To create opportunities for children and young people to access performing arts experiences as artists, arts workers, and arts audiences.
Our Values
Creativity – We believe every young person has the capacity to be creative and we welcome creativity in all its forms.
Fun – We believe fun should be sprinkled throughout everything we do and we seek to find the fun for ourselves and our community.
Sustainability – We believe in creating a present and future which is sustainable and we aim to build financial, environmental, and physical sustainability into everything we do.
Safety and Care – We believe that young people need to learn in an environment which is safe and cares for them and we aim to create a space which is welcoming and understanding of those needs.